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[Insert Super Smash Bros. Joke Here]

February 15, 2009
I bet this comparison has never been made on the internet ever.

I bet this comparison has never been made on the internet ever.

So, last night I decided to forgo my usual Saturday night routine (chugging mouth wash in my boxers and a bathrobe while watching episodes of Mork and Mindy on T.V Land) and ‘hit the town’ if you will. The main (only) attraction? A real live Passion Pit show at the ole’ Iron Horse. After chugging a ‘cognac and tonic’ and two Sparks I donned my keffiyeh and was there like shareware.

Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with Passion Pit (which is Drew, because everyone else actually DOES read Pitchfork/Spin/MTV2’s news section), the band actually consists of one guy with an awesome hair cut and some very remarkable pipes: Michael Angelakos. Pit’s first EP was a “belated Valentine’s Day gift to his Girlfriend’ which makes the band’s conception ADORABLE.  Similar to Bright Eyes, he tours with a full ensemble despite recording everything himself, which meant that I was met not with a lone pianist, but 3 pianists, a bass player, and a drummer (who has a really sweet electro-side project that takes a lot from Dubstep and tech).

The show was PACKED, which doesn’t say much considering that the Iron Horse is a tiny little nothing of a venue, but the rest of the shows at that venue have all be relatively small, seeing how there was room to move and no one bothered hanging out on the second floor-balcony. The first band, Paper Route, SUCKED. I’m not talking about “oh haha, it’s trite and played out like Bloc Party” sucked, I’m talking about flat-out “Dane Cook in My Best Friend’s Wedding” sucked. I don’t think I talked to a single person there who wasn’t unhappy with their performance. And the worst part of it all? They proudly announced that they were from my hometown right at the end of their set. 😦 As if Nashville doesn’t get a bad enough rap from Kid Rock, Paramore, and Billy-Ray Cyrus…

Dane Cook and Hannah Montana’s Dad bashing aside, the venue really warmed up when Passion Pit blasted on stage, opening with “I’ve Got Your Number”, and by the time “Better Things” was playing, the place was on fire… everyone was gettin’ down with the fury of a thousand suns. One thing that truly shocked me was how familiar everyone was with the lyrics… I was under the impression that Passion Pit was under the radar with a little play on MTV2’s College Rock show, but I was absolutely wrong. Of course, the band is big for a very good reason, the music this kid writes is accessible to so many different “musical sub-cultures”: club goers, lyric fanatics, synth nerds, people who love that ‘electronic clap’ sound a lot (that’s yours truly). The other thing of note is the vocal ability of this kid… serious fucking pipes. You can hear it on the EP, but those things can be doctored in post-production. The guy still kills the highest of high notes live, kind of like that guy from The Darkness (I believe in a thing called love… oh yeah).

Unfortunately, their set was ridiculously short. This is probably because they blow through tunes like it ain’t no thang (I’m in a 70’s blaxploitation mood tonight… sorry) and really don’t have too many songs in their container-like-object of music. However, Mr. Angelakos did announce that their new album was almost finished and would be available in May. Thank god… I’ve almost played the Chunk of Change EP to deaFFFF.

Additionally, while writing this article, I acquired more remixes of Sleepyhead than I could have ever wanted. I managed to wade through them all, but I’ll only give you two, because that’s all you’ll want. Plus, as my old P.E instructor used to say, It’s not the ‘gettin’ there’… it’s the gettin’ there (I don’t get it either…).

Passion Pit – Sleepyhead (mediafire)

Passion Pit – Live To Tell The Tale (mediafire)

Passion Pit – Sleepyhead (Mr. Vega Remix) (mediafire)

Passion Pit – Sleepyhead (Elijah’s Beat Generation Remix) (mediafire)

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