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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

September 1, 2009
Miss ya already

Miss ya already

It was the summer of 2009. Everyone died. Seth McFarlane tried to make Family Guy among those deaths, but the American people showed their loyalty and continued to watch stubbornly despite its increasing idiocy. Meanwhile, the Animal Show was put very quietly on life support. For a while there we weren’t sure if Frosted Miniguns and the rest of the family was going to be able to pull through. My fellow writers and I waited anxiously in the sterile hallways of Internet Hospital; IcebergXC in his morbid obesity scooter, the 6-11 Marquis Meowmers squatting due to the low virtual height of the ceiling, Dave flitting in and out of visibility as he is wont to do, and Rookie of the Year David in his little incubator. (Because he’s a baby to the Show. Get it?) Meanwhile, I got my hand stuck in an ice machine, because I LOVE SCRUBS. But just then, when things looked bleakest, the Show got up on its confusingly metaphoric hind legs and stampeded through That Guy Who Directed Home Alone and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Memorial Hospital, trampling all the decrepit websites on its whirlwind way out. And let me tell you, man, I was worried for a minute there. But, quoth Dumbledore (or someone similarly old and white): the night is always darkest before Batman shows up. Or something. So now, the reference you’ve been waiting for off and on since mid-July or so:

Aaaaand we’re baaack!

Though the 2009-2010 academic blogging year may be off to a bad start, what with the Jimmy Fallon skit link and all, I can promise you that the Animal Show is here to stay. Update your homepage, kids. This is about to be your one-stop shop for all the music your ears can take in. Which is to say I’m aiming for at least 3 posts a week. Luckily, I’ve got some extra help, because I’m officially taking little yellow Voldemort baby David out of his incubator and making him enough drink blood potion to resuscitate him, so that I’ll have to make myself confusingly half-dead to kill him, if I ever want to do that. But I would never want to kill David, because, as I said, he’s about to Run This Town.

And, with that deftly-incorporated reference, we’re back to talking about music. But before I address that catastrophuck, allow me to briefly comment on everything else that happened this summer, because I know you’ve been dying for more of my opinions. So, to wrap up:

The new Harry Potter movie sucked; Dirty Projectors are pretty cool; Michael Jackson is dead; “I Gotta Feelin” is the song of the summer (2 out of 5 Animal Show staffers agree!); Mad Men is a show I watch; Two-suit Spider Solitaire is hard, but a lot easier than four-suit Spider Solitaire; Chinatown is the filthiest place on earth, short of Trenton, NJ; E-603’s new album is pretty dope; President Bartlet has MS; Where the Wild Things Are will be enjoyable; It’s “The Climb,” ya’ll; I have seasonal allergies; IcebergXC is nicer in real life than in internet world.

I’ll almost certainly elaborate on several of those in the weeks to come, but for now, allow me to tell you what’s new:


It’s gonna be business as usual around these parts, albeit a much more frequent “business as usual.” I am considering taking the dramatic plunge from to, which would only mean webhosted mp3s as something new for you, but that’s none of your business. For now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy a few hand-picked songs from my summer, which are sure to be your new best friends.

If I Ever Feel Better – Phoenix (Mega) (YSI)

Kids (feat. MGMT) – Chiddy Bang (Mega) (YSI)

6 Comments leave one →
  1. John permalink
    September 2, 2009 6:49 pm

    Good pick with Chiddy Bang’s version of Kids, One of my favorite songs from summer ’09 (R.I.P.) For anyone interested, the producer of Chiddy Bang just released his own mixtape which includes some cool mash-ups, remixes and a few spots from Chiddy Bang. It’s called the “Xaphoon Jones Mixtape Vol. 1”

  2. Sean permalink
    September 3, 2009 5:14 pm

    Family guy might be full with idiocy but at least its funny…
    scrubs not so much

    • September 4, 2009 6:42 pm

      “Oh man, do you guys remeber the Kool-Aid man? Let’s have him bust through a wall every other episode! So self-referential…” – Seth McFarlane pitching an idea at the writer’s table whilst the rest of the writers fondle his balls in Sacajawea dollar coins made from the other two Family Guy shows with different names.

  3. September 3, 2009 8:25 pm

    ill track, good stuff.

  4. September 4, 2009 9:02 am

    wow, phoenix made me feel like dancing, but relaxing at the same time, thanks for this dude!
    also, I quite enjoy the humour ๐Ÿ˜›

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