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It’s like hyping a kitten

March 3, 2009
It's like Little Tim and Kimya Dawson had sex and crapped out a baby made entirely of kittens, polka dots, and 'that artsy girl you totally had a crush on in High School'.

It's like Little Tim and Kimya Dawson had sex and crapped out a baby made entirely of kittens, polka dots, and 'that artsy girl you totally had a crush on in High School'.

Edward told me to start watching Scrubs, and since I always do what Edward tells me to do (“Grow a mustache!” “Jump off of a cliff” “Change the picture!” “Start writing for [tell your friends]”) I sat down one day, pushed aside a wonderful paper about the stages of development in the Navajo culture, and watched quite a few of the most recent Scrubs episodes. I used to be a huge fan “back in the day” (inside Dr. Cox joke) but I fell off the bandwagon when the guest stars they started bringing in became less interesting and more recognizable (also it wasn’t funny anymore, but apparently you can rectify that by firing all the old writers and hiring a bunch of Jewish people [sorry]). Anyway, it seems that they’ve reverted back to their old ways, as one of their most recent guest stars happened to be a wacky young Californian by the name of Kate Micucci, who is (and, bear with me here, I know it’s crazy) a good singer/songwriter/actress. Holy crap…

Kate Micucci was born in New Jersey (which means she’s related to both Bruce Springsteen AND Bon Jovi) and has been a semi-transient/art student (is there a difference) ever since. I’m not sure when she started writing songs or how she got a hold of a ukulele, but it was a very solid choice for her. Her songs are absolutely beautiful in that overly simplified, childish way that Kimya Daweson tries way too hard obtain in her solo work. Kate’s slightly nasal voice, combined with her superb ukulele skills, brings the level of “awwwwwww” in her songs to a spectacularly high level, but what really stands out on her small 5 song EP is the potential she has to be a legitimate song writer after her “cutesy Kimya” phase passes. Of course Kimya’s ‘cute phase’ isn’t a phase, per say, but an undiagnosed developmental disorder that forces her to continually write songs that only appeal to girls between the ages of 13 and 17. So, unlike Kimya,  Micucci shows promising maturity on songs like ‘Just Say When’, which showcase not only a more “adult” voice, but a more “adult” subject matter as well.

Additionally, Kate is part of a small and significantly less serious side project entitled Garfunkel and Oats. This was well before Kate’s debut on Scrubs, and a bit before some of her more mature songs on her debut, but it still retains that adorable feeling that is similar to the one you got when you first saw Love Actually (Hugh Grant, eat my heart out). I honestly think that if the Moldy Peaches had not been so stuck on the “anti-folk” movement they could have sounded like this. Songs like “Fuck You” retain the both the humor and the childlike innocence that The Peaches were aiming for. You can find Garfunkel and Oats’ EP for free on Kate’s website, however, I would recommend that you search elsewhere because her copies are of terrible quality.

But why listen to me talk when you too could fall in love with Kate Micucci (for the mere price of clicking on one or more of these buttons):

Kate Micucci – Mr. Moon (mediafire)

Kate Micucci – Just Say When (mediafire)

Garfunkel and Oats – Fuck You (mediafire)

Garfunkel and Oats – Worst Song Medley [this one is worth your time no matter what kind of music you like] (mediafire)

Additionally, I beseech you to buy Kate’s EP at this website and watch her only music video NOT on YouTube but rather at this website (it’s both adorable and disturbing at the same time…). Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go wash my hand-bronzed Kate Micucci statue in a bath of goat’s milk… it’s almost time for the eclipse.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Edward permalink*
    March 3, 2009 2:51 pm

    Jesus, Marquis, think you could find a scarier-looking picture of the girl?

  2. marquismeowmersiv permalink
    March 3, 2009 3:30 pm

    no, but I’ll replace it, since it seems to affect your delicate sensibilities

  3. Luz Del Sol permalink
    March 16, 2009 1:18 am

    Now I’m curious what the original picture was…

  4. March 18, 2009 5:48 pm


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